Sub      $8.50
Ham ,salami, and cheese with lettuce, tomato, and onion. 

Meatball Sandwich

A roll stuffed with meatballs and tomato sauce with cheese.

Sandwich Add-Ons:
Double ham                                $3.00   
Double meatballs                       $4.75
Extra cheese                              $1.50
Extra chips                                 $0.75
Add veggies (each)                    $0.50
Extra dressing                            $0.75

Extra meat from menu (each)    $2.00

Ham and Cheese       
Ham and cheese with lettuce, tomato, and onion.

Sandwiches include chips and pickle.
Mustard and mayonnaise or a dressing available.

Veggie Sandwich       $7.00
Black olives, mushrooms, onions, tomatoes, lettuce, and mozzarella cheese.